8KW Solar System Price in Pakistan-The Ultimate Guide

The demand for solar energy is growing rapidly in Pakistan. With rising electricity costs and frequent power outages, more people are turning to solar energy. An 8KW solar system is a great option for households and small businesses who want their electricity bills to be reduced and become more energy independent. In this blog, we will explore the 8KW solar system price in Pakistan, including its components, costs, and benefits.

8KW Solar System Price

What is an 8KW Solar System?

As compared to other systems like the 1KW Solar System, an 8KW solar system can generate 8 kilowatts of power per hour under ideal conditions. This amount of energy is usually enough to power a medium-sized home or a small business. The system includes several components, each playing a crucial role in generating and managing solar power.

Components of an 8KW Solar System

To understand the cost of an 8KW solar system, it’s important to know its main components. Here is a breakdown:

  1. Solar Panels
  2. Inverter
  3. Mounting Structure
  4. Batteries (optional)
  5. Wiring and Accessories

Cost Breakdown

The 8KW solar system price can be different based on the quality and brand of the components. Here is an estimate cost breakdown of the main components to make things simpler for you:

ComponentQuantityPrice Per Unit (PKR)Total Price (PKR)
Solar Panels20 (400W each)25,000500,000
Mounting Structure1 set50,00050,000
Batteries (optional)830,000240,000
Wiring and Accessories30,00030,000
Total Cost970,000

Solar Panels

Solar panels are the most important component of any solar system. They capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. For an 8KW system, you will need about 20 panels of 400W each.


The inverter converts the DC power generated by the solar panels into AC power, which can be used by household appliances. The price of a good quality inverter can be around 150,000 PKR.

Mounting Structure

The mounting structure holds the solar panels in place. It needs to be strong and durable to withstand harsh weather conditions. The cost of the mounting structure is usually around 50,000 PKR.

Batteries (Optional)

If you want to store the solar power for use during the night or during power outages, you will need batteries. While they are optional, they can significantly increase the cost of the system. For an 8KW system, you might need about 8 batteries, costing around 30,000 PKR each.

Wiring and Accessories

Wiring and accessories include all the necessary cables, switches, and connectors needed to install the system. These typically cost around 30,000 PKR.

Installation Cost

The installation cost is another factor to consider. Professional installation ensures that your system is set up correctly and safely. The installation cost for an 8KW system in Pakistan is usually between 50,000 and 100,000 PKR.

Total Cost

Based on the above estimates, the total cost of an 8KW solar system in Pakistan can range from 970,000 PKR to 1,070,000 PKR. This cost can vary depending on the quality of the components and the complexity of the installation. You can also use a solar panel calculator to get an estimated cost.

Benefits of an 8KW Solar System

  1. Reduced Electricity Bills: An 8KW solar system can significantly reduce your electricity bills. You can generate your own power and use it for free.
  2. Energy Independence: With a solar system, you become less dependent on the national grid and less affected by power outages.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source. By using an 8KW solar power, you reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment.
  4. Increased Property Value: Homes and businesses with 8KW solar systems often have higher property values. Buyers are willing to pay more for properties with lower energy costs.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Price in Pakistan Today

Several factors can affect the price of solar panels in Pakistan today:

  1. Government Policies: Government incentives and subsidies can lower the cost of solar panels.
  2. Market Demand: High demand can drive up prices, while low demand can lead to discounts and promotions.
  3. Technology Advancements: Advances in solar technology can make panels more efficient and cheaper to produce.
  4. Exchange Rates: Fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the price of imported solar panels.


Investing in an 8KW solar system in Pakistan is a smart decision for both homes and small businesses. While the initial cost may seem high, the long-term benefits of reduced electricity bills, energy independence, and environmental protection make it worthwhile. By understanding the components and costs involved, you can make an informed decision and choose the best system for your needs.

The solar panel price in Pakistan today can vary, but with the right information and careful planning, you can find a system that fits your budget and provides ample benefits. So, take the first step towards a greener and more energy-independent future with an 8KW solar system.