The Latest Sindh Solar Panel Scheme 2024; End Inflation

In Pakistan, because of high inflation, thousands of people are suffering below the poverty line. Lack of electricity is a crucial problem for people including Sindh residents many families lack even basic needs. The government launched the Sindh Solar Panel Scheme 2024 to improve these underdeveloped areas. This scheme offers affordable electricity for individuals.

Sindh Solar Panel Scheme

Sindh Govt Solar Scheme:

The Sindh Solar Scheme is a newly started project for the Sindhi people to facilitate them in electricity matters. It has some eligibility criteria, only those who have the right to gain this opportunity.

The Government will offer this facility to low-income families. This news has brought hope to many people. The Sindhi community asked the World Bank for funds to buy solar panels. 100$ Million agreement signed by World Bank for Sindh solar panel.

Necessities to Sindhi Families:

The government has announced this scheme for Sindh Province where 200,000 solar panels to people will provided solar panels from govt. With just 7,000 Rs you can install this solar system in your home. This system provides 3 things to residents which include;

  • Solar Panels
  • Batteries
  • Charge controllers

Karachi Families

In Karachi, 50,000 families will get access to a solar energy project. This system will keep one bulb and three LED bulbs on. 

Registration Process of Sindh solar system:

To register yourself in this scheme is easy, just follow the steps given below;

  • Open the official website on your device
  • Download the form and fill it
  • Gather the required information and put it on the form
  • Recheck all documents 
  • You will receive a confirmation message after the submission
  • Accommodate with approved installers

Documents required for eligibility:

Note: The applicant must be a resident of Sindh

  • A computerized ID card
  • Your income must be according to the eligible criteria( income less than 7 thousand)
  • Recent electricity bills should attached with documents
  • Proof of ownership of the land where you want to install solar panel
  • Salary documents must attached to the file

Some Basic Objectives of Sindh Solar Panel Scheme 2024:

Every project has some objectives, The Sindh government has announced this scheme for its people to facilitate them. This includes;

  • The government wants to control inflation in Sindh
  • To promote job opportunities in the country
  • Through this scheme, people will be able to use high-quality energy in their households

Benefits of Sindh Solar Energy Project:

This scheme has a lot of benefits for residents; that includes:

  • High-Quality Ener

Citizens will use high-quality renewable energy in their homes

  • Reduce Inflation

People will enjoy easy access to electricity at less cost, which will reduce inflation issues.

  • Minimum cost

The government will pay 15% of the cost of people’s bills.

  • Sustainable electricity

This scheme will provide sustainable electricity to its citizens


The Sindh government has launched a new solar power panel program. This aims to help people deal with inflation in the province. You can apply online and attach the required documents with a file; you must verify the papers. 

The World Bank has announced an agreement that will provide solar panel systems to 2 lakh people in Sindh. People who use 100 units of electricity government will pay their bills. For more information stay connected with our site


Only people in Sindh can apply for this scheme. They must meet the eligibility criteria for solar panel projects.

You must read all forms carefully, provide all required documents on time, and recheck all information before submitting it. If you can’t do this, the system may reject your application.

In October 2024, families can install this scheme in their homes. About 50,000 families in Karachi will benefit from it.

Enter your ID card number on your mobile and send it to 8800, eligible persons will receive a reply.